
The Moment We've All Been Waiting For...

Brett and I went in for our 20 week ultrasound today. After waiting this long to know if "it" is a "he" or a "she," we were forced to endure over an hour in the waiting room - enough time for the lobby TV's health infomercials to cycle through again (ugh!). However, our patience was rewarded when we got to see our little one again.

After a measure of the head and the heart, the next thing we were told was "yup, looks like a girl," ... "and there is the leg...and there is," the technician carried on. "Wait - are you sure?" We had to know. With a bit of a chip on her shoulder, the technician assured us that yes, she was sure - we were going to have a baby girl! Woohoo! Brett and I were amazed and excited. We had gone out for Chinese food last night and we both agreed that we were "thinking girl," but it was still very surreal to have it affirmed.

Please meet Baby Girl Uyeshiro - 20 weeks old, 10 oz. strong and already kickin' and screamin (we saw her little mouth yapping on about something!):

*The first photo is unclear but in 2 and 3 you can see and arm near her mouth and chin. Then, a definite leg and foot! She even had her ankles crossed at one point - aww, how dainty :)


Megan said...

Congratulations!Yay--a friend for Maya! (Not that she couldn't have been friends with a boy) We're super excited for you!

DF said...

Need update!!!!! Pleazes?